Monday, February 27, 2012

Rockers 50% Off

Besides this being one of the cutest pictures ever! that adorable rocking uh elephant? is 50% off on Zulily right now! that makes it $69.99 I'm really wishing I had some extra money laying around so I could get my little one the rocking Dinosaur

They have a bunch of other adorable and cuddly rockers on sale to including a real rocking horse lol.
 Do not forget to go through Shop At Home to get your 5% cash back which would make these 55% off!

Click Here for the rocking critters           Click Here for Shop at Home

If you haven't already joined Zulily it is free to join and everything is adorable!

Veggie Tales Freebies!

OK so this is possibly my favorite freebie ever! Five free Veggie Tales songs with your child's name in them! My son got a kick out of them his favorite show is Veggie Tales. all you do is go here and enter your e-mail and the code veggie then pick your child's name and click the I just want my five free songs button. There is one order of free songs per e-mail so if you have more than one kid good thing you have a husbands e-mail or something like that hint hint. if you prefer Elmo you can enter code myelmo instead but of course why would you not go with Veggie Tales ;)

Veggie Tales is also having a giveaway with all entry's getting a 20% off coupon for the veggie store and the chance to win a $100 gift card for the veggie store!

Free Sample of Miracle Whip

Never seen a Miracle Whip sample before and my guess is you wont again for awhile! 

Free Lotion Sample

Gud is giving away free lotion samples its a Burts Bees company to so you know its gotta be good stuff! I choose Floral CherryNova what did you get?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jones Soda Rewards

Jones Soda has a new rewards program! 15 caps gets you a hat, 50 a backpack and at 125 a cruiser board.
My favorite Jones is Berry Lemonade with FuFu berry a close second. I did have a limited edition mystery flavor once that tasted like nerds candy and that was pretty good to. whats your favorite?

Sassafras Deals!

Both Zulily and Sneak Peeq are having sales on Sassafras right now! 

This instrument set is on both sites. On Zulily it is $23.99 and on Sneak Peeq who knows! but of course that's the fun of Sneak Peeq the prices are different depending on how many badges you have and discounts you have. For me it was only $19.

Sassafras Adorable Pup Pull-A-Long Backpack

This ADORABLE backpack is only on Sneak Peeq. I think its my favorite kids backpack I've seen. They also have a horse one and they show up $19 click to find out your price!

These book ends are only on Zulily and are $14.99 each. They also have some pretty awesome bath puppets and a really nice xylophone!

Click Here for Zulily                                   Click Here for Sneak Peeq

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Donate A Free Febreze to Troops

For every person who clicks the donate button on Febrezes Facebook page they will donate a care package to the troops. All you have to do is click!

Free Scarf

Spring Fling

This offer is for new users of Sneak Peeq when you sign up you get a free scarf! It really is free no credit card required and free shipping! I got mine did you?

Buitoni Coupon

Get a $2.50 off Buitoni complete meals for two coupon on there Facebook page. I've seen other bloggers say these are anywhere from $5 - $7 in the rest of the U.S so they are most likely something around $8 - $10 here. If you dont have a printer or yours is on the frits you can still get your coupn! When you click on "get the coupon" and the window opens if you click on the help button in the bottom right hand corner a window will open to get it mailed to you instead!

Free 5 Hour Energy

Click Here to get your free 5 hour energy bottle! did you get one last time they did this?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Free Sample Origins Serum

Get your free sample of Dr. Weil Mega Bright Correcting Serum and enter for your chance to win to!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sale On My Favorite Socks Ever!

Zulily has my favorite socks ever on sale right now! Little Miss Matched these socks come in a "pair" of three socks which all are different but have a similar color or pattern. These socks used to annoy my mom to death I had to show her them in the store to prove that they really came mismatched. This sale goes on until 2/13 and they have both girl and woman sizes. They also have arm warmers

and some pretty cute looking dolls, backpacks and makeup cases :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Free Toy on Your Childs Birthday

Be sure to sign up for Toys R Us Birthday club. On your child's birthday they will get a free card and gift from Geoffrey the giraffe mailed to them and you even have the option to sign up for a birthday call from Geoffrey to! This is available for your child's first through tenth birthday!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Free Soil Beads

FREE! Magical 1Bag Crystal Mud Soil-Water Beads-Flower Plant Yellow

These look super interesting growing plants without dirt! I've been thinking about getting a plant so who knows maybe I'll buy more. This is really free no credit card required and free shipping!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Free Sample Tums

tums freshers

Click Here to get your free sample of Tums freshers ... yes you have to like the Facebook page.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Safeway Deals1/2/2012

There are a ton of BOGO's in this weeks Safeway add! Plus if you spend $75 you get a $10 off coupon for your next transaction. The best way to do this is to watch your total get to $75 stop pay and then continue as a new order to get another $10 off coupon if your spending that much.

BOG2! on Oscar Mayer meat franks

Ball Park hot dogs BOGO

My personal favorite hot dogs Nathans Famous are BOGO

Tillamook cheese BOGO

Farmland Smoked Bacon BOGO

Gortons Shrimp Temptation or Grilled Tilapia BOGO

Certian Hillshire Farm lunch meat BOGO

Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage BOGO

Jimmy Dean Sausage BOGO

Wholly Guacamole BOGO

Quaker Instant Oatmeal BOGO

Nabisco Crackers BOGO

Wonderful Pistachios BOGO

Tyson Frozen Breaded Chicken BOGO

Orville Redenbacher Popcorn is on sale 2 for 5 with a in store coupon making them 1.99 use with the SS coupon

Chewy bars are on sale $3 use in store making them $2.49 and then use coupon from (no longer available) $1/2 making them 1.99 each

To view the two Safeway adds Click Here