Melissa and Doug are having a bunch of cyber Monday give aways today only on there Facebook page!! be sure to check it out they keep adding new ones
Monday, November 28, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Black Friday 2011
Click here for FredMeyer
Click here for Walmrt also be sure to check out the store map button!
Click here for Jo-Ann I also got mine in the mail
Click here for Old Navy
Click here for Radio Shack
Click here for Sam's club look at that TV!!!!!
Click here for Sears
Sorry I don't have time to tell you what's cheaper where happy shopping :)
Click here for Walmrt also be sure to check out the store map button!
Click here for Jo-Ann I also got mine in the mail
Click here for Old Navy
Click here for Radio Shack
Click here for Sam's club look at that TV!!!!!
Click here for Sears
Sorry I don't have time to tell you what's cheaper where happy shopping :)
Free Denny's Sundae
Free Denny's Red Velvet Pancake Puppies Sundae with the order of an entree. click here and send someone a e-card both of you will get the coupon :)
Jolly Time Popcorn
Jolly Time Popcorn Sweepstakes I won a free box of popcorn! It's not a coupon for a box either! Which is super awesome because in Alaska it means you still have to pay a little bit for your free item since coupons have limits of cost and Alaska prices are almost always over the limit. click here to enter
Monday, November 21, 2011
Peppermint Bark Coupon!

Well it says any Ghiradelli Holiday product but Peppermint Bark is of course the best! I prefer the dark chocolate Peppermint Bark. click here to get your $1 off coupon!
Zulily has Melisa & Doug toys today! They have already sold out of some toys so if you want something you better hurry. They also have Halo sleep sacks for $11.99 and Halo swaddles for $15.99 these are around $22 - 28 other places. If your not familiar with Zullily its a daily deal site for family's sign up here!
What To Buy This Week 11-20
It's the week before Thanksgiving so it makes sense that baking and cooking basics are on sale this week, now is the time to stock up!
The cheapest place I found for Swanson broth was Walmart at .78 a can. If you prefer the 32 oz its BOGO at Safeway also if you printed the .55 off (it's all gone now) that's 1.39 each.
Crescent rolls are cheapest at Safeway with a store coupon in the add + .50 off two coupon + .55 off three peely = 1.64 each.
Nabisco crackers are cheapest at FredMeyer on sale 4 for 5 use the coupon in the add to make it 4 for 4 + $1 off tear pad in store = $1.50 each or use .75 coupon in last weeks paper if they ran out of tear pads to = 1.62 each.
Marie Calendar Pies are pretty cheap at FredMeyer on sale 5.99 $1 off coupon in add + $1 off coupon in last weeks paper = 3.99 each (I got a $2 off frozen food coupon in the mail form Fred's so my pie was only $1.99!).
LaCreme Creamer used $1 off from All You November + mail in rebate
Idahoan Mashed Potatoes at Walmart $1 off (no longer available) = .24
Idahoan Hashed Browns at Walmart coupon for free from ALL You November = .25
Finesse Shampoo $2 mail in rebate = .88 (note that both this and the creamer rebates say original recipt so I would buy them on two orders just to be sure)
Bonus! I found a bunch of Halloween Clif bar Z bars on clearance at Fred's for .49 each look for those in with the organics.
The cheapest place I found for Swanson broth was Walmart at .78 a can. If you prefer the 32 oz its BOGO at Safeway also if you printed the .55 off (it's all gone now) that's 1.39 each.
Crescent rolls are cheapest at Safeway with a store coupon in the add + .50 off two coupon + .55 off three peely = 1.64 each.
Nabisco crackers are cheapest at FredMeyer on sale 4 for 5 use the coupon in the add to make it 4 for 4 + $1 off tear pad in store = $1.50 each or use .75 coupon in last weeks paper if they ran out of tear pads to = 1.62 each.
Marie Calendar Pies are pretty cheap at FredMeyer on sale 5.99 $1 off coupon in add + $1 off coupon in last weeks paper = 3.99 each (I got a $2 off frozen food coupon in the mail form Fred's so my pie was only $1.99!).
What I got free this week
Ricola cough drops using store coupon in add $10 for $10 + $1 off coupon (go through the steps and after you send a get well gift you can print the coupon)
Olay Bar Soap on clearance for $1 used $1 off coupon that came in my gift set also bought at Walmart. In case you missed the deal on the gift sets they are $10 and have a mail in rebate of $9.LaCreme Creamer used $1 off from All You November + mail in rebate
What I got for under a dollar
Chapstick on sale for a $1 + use .55 coupon form last weeks paper = .45
Wishbone dressing use coupon in add + $1 off coupon All You November = .29
Nescafe Instant sticks use $1 off (you have to sign up for there savings club I'm still on my free trail and have yet to decide if it's worth it) = .28Idahoan Mashed Potatoes at Walmart $1 off (no longer available) = .24
Idahoan Hashed Browns at Walmart coupon for free from ALL You November = .25
Finesse Shampoo $2 mail in rebate = .88 (note that both this and the creamer rebates say original recipt so I would buy them on two orders just to be sure)
Bonus! I found a bunch of Halloween Clif bar Z bars on clearance at Fred's for .49 each look for those in with the organics.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Join Totsy and get free shipping
Tosty is a discount site that mostly has family oriented things like toys, baby clothes, childrens books and occasionally some sexy lingerie for moms to ;). Everything they sell is always super cute and super on sale! right now they have a bunch of wooden toys up including trians and yo-yos. Also up currently is some really nice Christmas stuff . I think my favorite thing up right now is this baby boys coverall for $9.25! plus sign up through this link and you get free shipping when you join. sign up here!
Ostiomo $10 credit

Well popcorn is one of my favorite foods so I'm excited about this $10 credit for Ostimos! Click here to subscribe to Ostimos newsletter and get a $10 credit for when they open there website. You must do this before they open the website to receive your $10 credit. Plus be entered to win popcorn for a year!
Garnier coupon
click here to like the Facebook page and your coupon. There are also coupons for Garnier on
$5 Scrabble coupon

here is a link to a $5 off Scrabble flash, Yahtzee flash, or Simon flash. You could use this on black friday at Fredmeyer when all Hasbro games are BOGO. To see the Freddy's black friday add click here
Uni-ball instant upgrade game plus coupon
You can request a code if you do not have one by clicking the need a code button. They will send three codes to you e-mail. Some people are saying the codes are taking awhile to be sent , I got mine right away though. I could not get the coupon to print and from the looks of there Facebook wall I'm not the only one.
Friday, November 18, 2011
.50 off Ranch
.50 off Hidden Valley Ranch dry seasoning or dips when you like the Facebook page. I use this in soups anyone else have other nontraditional uses?
click here to get the coupon.
Secret Deodorant Coupon
$1 off Secret clinical protection deodorant click here to like the Facebook page and request your coupon. Secret also does freebie Fridays once a month so look out for the status update announcing when it goes live.
Possible Free Coffee Plus $2 coupon
We all love (or maybe live is a better word) coffee in Alaska! Click here to like the Seattle's best page and get your possible free coffee and $2 coupon.
Free Sample Pumpkin Pie Scent
Free sample from Walmart, it says scented wax cube? like the Facebook page here.
40% off at Veggie Tales Store
They are also offering free shipping on order's over $30. Allot of DVD's are only $8.99, there is a really cute veggie nativity for $14.99. Don't forget to use your shop at home account and get 4% cash back, they also have a coupon code for the complete veggie library. If you do not have a shop at home account I would really recommend signing up for one what with Christmas coming and all the online shopping going on. Click here to sign up.
Free Jeans Anyone?
Need a new pair of jeans? get a YMI Divine e-voucher for absolutely free!! in fact get three! that's sixty bucks worth! These vouchers are avaible at No More Rack if your not familiar with NMR they offer 9 deals every day on a first come first serve basis (I can't believe these vouchers are still around). I must warn you though they recently got hacked and peoples information was shared. If you want more details you can check out thier Facebook page.This deal however does not require a credit card just your address. They also did not e-mail the codes so don't close the web page. Shipping is $5 and you can only use one code at a time. That makes the womens jeans around $30, the girls super cheap or free, be sure to check the clearance section.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Free Sample Matrix Shampoo and Conditioner
I LOVE shampoo and conditioner samples! My hair gets used to shampoos way to quickly and I'm always having to change brands anyway, so free samples are perfect. And even better you also get entered to win a iPad when you request your free sample!!
click here!
click here!
Free Sample Eucerin Lotion
Free sample Eucerin lotion like the Facebook page and take the pledge. sorry no pic I'm in a hurry, really should not be on here at all actually.
Free K-cup samples
Free K-cup samples from Kohls! use campaign code pywjrsmw limited available hurry up!!
What I've Learned About Couponing So Far part.2
Probably the only good thing about the economy being bad is tons of coupon sites popping up all over the place (like the one your currently reading). These sites are great in that you now longer have to spend hours combing through the internet on your own. These sites have already done that for you and they post the deals for their readers too, awesome right? There are four couponing sites I'm aware of based in Alaska, this is one of them.
Alaskan Bargain Hunter is definitely the best Alaska coupon site out there. Yes, even better than mine I know its hard to believe ;), but I am just getting started. She lives in Anchorage since she has deals for Target, CVS and etc, which are places the rest of Alaska does not have.
Alaska Coupon Divas have deals for places in the lower 48, which includes places Alaska does not have.
Couponing in Alaska has not been updated since march so I would not count on this site.
Of course there are tons of non Alaska sites. When using them you just have to keep three things in mind. We do not have all the stores they do so we can not get all of the deals. The deals are going to be more expensive up here. Not all of the internet deals ship to Alaska (or Hawaii) also not all of the free shipping works either. That being said my favorite site is Raining Hot Coupons she also has a Facebook page which I would definitely recommend liking. Another great site is Woman Freebies they have a Facebook page but I think more valuable is there email list so subscribe to that. All You is a magazine devoted to saving money. Their November issue had so many coupons in it the issue paid for itself. They have a daily freebie email I would sign up for that and they pretty much always have a sweepstakes or contest running. I have not found the grocery circular roundup helpful, the circulars from the paper have way more sales in them.
Facebook is a wonderful place to get coupons, almost all of the products you buy have Facebook pages that will randomly put up coupons and free samples. In fact to get those free samples and coupons you have to like their page, and a lot of the offers have a limited amount, so you have to be quick. If you have something you buy quite frequently, I would recommend seeking out their Facebook page since fans usually get notice ahead of time when they will go live.
A surprising place to get coupons is Walmart's website scroll down its in one of the boxes on your left.
Or instead of going to all these sites you could just follow mine and like my brand new Facebook page ;)
Of course there are tons of non Alaska sites. When using them you just have to keep three things in mind. We do not have all the stores they do so we can not get all of the deals. The deals are going to be more expensive up here. Not all of the internet deals ship to Alaska (or Hawaii) also not all of the free shipping works either. That being said my favorite site is Raining Hot Coupons she also has a Facebook page which I would definitely recommend liking. Another great site is Woman Freebies they have a Facebook page but I think more valuable is there email list so subscribe to that. All You is a magazine devoted to saving money. Their November issue had so many coupons in it the issue paid for itself. They have a daily freebie email I would sign up for that and they pretty much always have a sweepstakes or contest running. I have not found the grocery circular roundup helpful, the circulars from the paper have way more sales in them.
Facebook is a wonderful place to get coupons, almost all of the products you buy have Facebook pages that will randomly put up coupons and free samples. In fact to get those free samples and coupons you have to like their page, and a lot of the offers have a limited amount, so you have to be quick. If you have something you buy quite frequently, I would recommend seeking out their Facebook page since fans usually get notice ahead of time when they will go live.
A surprising place to get coupons is Walmart's website scroll down its in one of the boxes on your left.
Or instead of going to all these sites you could just follow mine and like my brand new Facebook page ;)
Friday, November 11, 2011
What I've Learned About Couponing So Far part. 1
I've only been couponing for a short time but so far I love it to death. Of course things are different Alaska couponing versus the rest of the U.S. In Alaska we hardly get any inserts in our papers, thanks to a low population rate and a wide demographic company's just do not know what to do with us. That's why a Alaska couponers two best friends are IP's (Internet printables). And a friends or relative in the lower 48 who either owes you favor or just really loves you that much. I am not ashamed to say I have hit up a bunch of friends and family to send me coupons ( and in case your reading this please please please send me coupons..... oh and I love you all).
Of course there are sites were you can order coupons from the Sunday paper, or the whole insert if you like. They are kinda spendy though and I really do not understand the point of spending $30 on coupons. In my opinion this kinda defeats the purpose of couponing. By the way allot of the people on extreme couponing use these services either that or they buy like 50 papers, or both. Now a few cents on stamps for relatives to send you coupons seems like a more cost effective option.
The internet houses quite a few coupon sites but allot of them have the same coupons. Unless your super into couponing and feel like spending hours looking through sites (totally guilty on this one) there are seven sites where I get the majority of my coupons.
The site were I get most of my coupons is This site seems to have the best overall mix of coupons and you can enter you store cards to load electronic coupons, both Fred Meyer and Safeway cards. There is also but pretty much all of their coupons are on and Shortcuts do both IP's and electronic coupons.
My second favorite coupon site is savingstar this is a electronic only coupon site and only a very few of their coupons are doubled on other sites.
The three inserts that you will see in the Sunday paper all have their own websites its about 50/50 on coupons that are doubled on other sites. And no they do not have their Sunday insert coupons online in case you just got super excited ;). P&G which I am currently getting a server error on, and
Both Fred Meyer and Safeway have electronic coupons you can load on your card. Some of the coupons are doubles from the above sites though. You create a online account and you must know your shoppers card number (its beneath the bar code) for all of you who lost their cards sadly your phone number will not work. Another nice thing about this is you do not have to fill out all that paperwork when you want to change you phone number, address, or name you can just update it online.
A great IP on right now is a bunch of glade coupons. This is great for all you people out there who have fake trees and miss that real tree smell. Glade has special holiday scents out and one of them is Spruce it up! enjoy the coupons and that new tree smell. ^_^
Of course there are sites were you can order coupons from the Sunday paper, or the whole insert if you like. They are kinda spendy though and I really do not understand the point of spending $30 on coupons. In my opinion this kinda defeats the purpose of couponing. By the way allot of the people on extreme couponing use these services either that or they buy like 50 papers, or both. Now a few cents on stamps for relatives to send you coupons seems like a more cost effective option.
The internet houses quite a few coupon sites but allot of them have the same coupons. Unless your super into couponing and feel like spending hours looking through sites (totally guilty on this one) there are seven sites where I get the majority of my coupons.
The site were I get most of my coupons is This site seems to have the best overall mix of coupons and you can enter you store cards to load electronic coupons, both Fred Meyer and Safeway cards. There is also but pretty much all of their coupons are on and Shortcuts do both IP's and electronic coupons.
My second favorite coupon site is savingstar this is a electronic only coupon site and only a very few of their coupons are doubled on other sites.
The three inserts that you will see in the Sunday paper all have their own websites its about 50/50 on coupons that are doubled on other sites. And no they do not have their Sunday insert coupons online in case you just got super excited ;). P&G which I am currently getting a server error on, and
Both Fred Meyer and Safeway have electronic coupons you can load on your card. Some of the coupons are doubles from the above sites though. You create a online account and you must know your shoppers card number (its beneath the bar code) for all of you who lost their cards sadly your phone number will not work. Another nice thing about this is you do not have to fill out all that paperwork when you want to change you phone number, address, or name you can just update it online.
A great IP on right now is a bunch of glade coupons. This is great for all you people out there who have fake trees and miss that real tree smell. Glade has special holiday scents out and one of them is Spruce it up! enjoy the coupons and that new tree smell. ^_^
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Get a Melissa & Doug 25% Off Coupon When You Take the North "Poll"
Melissa & Doug want you to tell them which of their educational toys you think is the best! Just click on the image below to place your vote in the North "Poll!" You'll Get a Melissa & Doug 25% Off Coupon** to use at just for voting!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Best Shopping Trip Yet!
I'm writing this on commercial breaks of Extreme Couponing. Pretty sure those people are my new hero's. Anyone out there not using their insert's? I know a good home for them! I think I'm starting to border on obsession with couponing.... I'm seriously contemplating dupster diving for coupons. The only thing holding me back is that its getting really cold out. But come summer I have a feeling my new home will be the recycle bin. I really really wish I had more inserts from the 6th. There is a coupon for BOGO Schick disposable razors and guess what! at Fred's these razors are on sale for BOGO which means absolutely FREE razor's!
I had my best coupon shopping trip ever today thanks to the BOGO sale on Schick razors at Fred's. My total was a whopping $92.62. I stood there about to die thinking to myself what have I done! But I just went with it and handed over my coupons and watched the total plummet to a grand sum of $22.27. That was the best feeling ever, next to getting married and seeing my baby for the first time of course that is ;). For that 22.27 I got 2 Schick disposable razors, 2 Schick women's razors, 2 Schick men's razors, 2 Schick men's razors refills, 2 bags of halls cough drops, 1lb of carrots, Organic Coconut oil, a surprise for my Dad for Christmas I couldn't resist and the Ghiradelli Peppermint bark I also just HAD to have. That's about the same price as just the 2 razor refills alone.
I got a new file holder for my coupons, hopefully this works better for organizing them. I've seen other ways to organize them. The most popular seems to be the coupon binder, I think a binder would be to big and bulky for me though. Plus my file is very cute, does not really look like a file holder at all. More like a cute clutch.
The Black Friday add for Walmart went online today also very exciting. It looks much more impressive than the Fred Meyer sales I must say. Lot's and lot's of electronic deals $19 for a HP printer is a sweet deal. That's about half the cost of new color Ink alone for my printer. I was really hoping that someone would have the little people talking zoo for a super awesome price but I think I'll be out of luck. $18.92 for a Ninja is a deal I might have to take advantage of, depending on what all it comes with of course. I almost don't want to shop at Walmart what with being open on thanksgiving this year. Also being open at midnight is a annoyance and Walmart's add has prices for 3 different times! Yes were all used to adds with the deals that stop at 9, 10, or noon But three different days is going a little overboard.
Lastly on my mind is a better name for my blog. Somebody out there must have a better name idea. Which really it wont be that hard to beat my current name.
I had my best coupon shopping trip ever today thanks to the BOGO sale on Schick razors at Fred's. My total was a whopping $92.62. I stood there about to die thinking to myself what have I done! But I just went with it and handed over my coupons and watched the total plummet to a grand sum of $22.27. That was the best feeling ever, next to getting married and seeing my baby for the first time of course that is ;). For that 22.27 I got 2 Schick disposable razors, 2 Schick women's razors, 2 Schick men's razors, 2 Schick men's razors refills, 2 bags of halls cough drops, 1lb of carrots, Organic Coconut oil, a surprise for my Dad for Christmas I couldn't resist and the Ghiradelli Peppermint bark I also just HAD to have. That's about the same price as just the 2 razor refills alone.
sorry its fuzzy its the best my camera would take
The Black Friday add for Walmart went online today also very exciting. It looks much more impressive than the Fred Meyer sales I must say. Lot's and lot's of electronic deals $19 for a HP printer is a sweet deal. That's about half the cost of new color Ink alone for my printer. I was really hoping that someone would have the little people talking zoo for a super awesome price but I think I'll be out of luck. $18.92 for a Ninja is a deal I might have to take advantage of, depending on what all it comes with of course. I almost don't want to shop at Walmart what with being open on thanksgiving this year. Also being open at midnight is a annoyance and Walmart's add has prices for 3 different times! Yes were all used to adds with the deals that stop at 9, 10, or noon But three different days is going a little overboard.
Lastly on my mind is a better name for my blog. Somebody out there must have a better name idea. Which really it wont be that hard to beat my current name.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Yay!!! first blog post
So I have decided to make my many wasted internet hours into a somewhat productive time by writing a blog that maybe someone will enjoy.
Let me first say that I super stink at grammar, so please have mercy on me and overlook all the vast amounts of grammatical errors that I'm sure will be in this blog. Graduating with a I.T degree really does not help the grammar side of things as you pretty much talk in acronyms.
I am a proud new mother of a little boy who in my husbands and mine opinion is pretty much the cutest thing ever. I also think he has recently started teething. His recent crankiness, ability to soak through a sweater and undershirt, and wanting to chew on everything has tipped me off. He thinks his hands are pretty much the yummiest thing ever.
I am married to the best guy ever. well most of the time ;). Case in point would be earlier today when we were watching TV he has this habit of putting on the dumbest thing on at the time. Now usually when I ask why he's watching this he says he was flipping and not really watching it at all. This however can not be believed as he leaves the annoying thing on for way longer than the other flippy channels. But today as I was saying yet again that he was leaving the stupidest things on way to long and he HAD to be doing it on purpose! He admits that yes he does enjoy the stupidest thing on TV. Only for the fact that he loves it when I get all riled up about it.... I feel strangely vindicated yet defeated about this. Definitely a face palm moment.
I also have a mad love for couponing. This love is the child of always getting a thrill out of finding good deals and my husband still being in college. I really should be planing my shopping list right now since I'm going shopping after picking my friend up from work tomorrow. I'm gonna grab some .8 cent trail size toothpaste which I'm pretty excited about and some .33 cent first aid kits. Along with some other goody's I'm not quite sure about the price yet.
Let me first say that I super stink at grammar, so please have mercy on me and overlook all the vast amounts of grammatical errors that I'm sure will be in this blog. Graduating with a I.T degree really does not help the grammar side of things as you pretty much talk in acronyms.
I am a proud new mother of a little boy who in my husbands and mine opinion is pretty much the cutest thing ever. I also think he has recently started teething. His recent crankiness, ability to soak through a sweater and undershirt, and wanting to chew on everything has tipped me off. He thinks his hands are pretty much the yummiest thing ever.
I am married to the best guy ever. well most of the time ;). Case in point would be earlier today when we were watching TV he has this habit of putting on the dumbest thing on at the time. Now usually when I ask why he's watching this he says he was flipping and not really watching it at all. This however can not be believed as he leaves the annoying thing on for way longer than the other flippy channels. But today as I was saying yet again that he was leaving the stupidest things on way to long and he HAD to be doing it on purpose! He admits that yes he does enjoy the stupidest thing on TV. Only for the fact that he loves it when I get all riled up about it.... I feel strangely vindicated yet defeated about this. Definitely a face palm moment.
I also have a mad love for couponing. This love is the child of always getting a thrill out of finding good deals and my husband still being in college. I really should be planing my shopping list right now since I'm going shopping after picking my friend up from work tomorrow. I'm gonna grab some .8 cent trail size toothpaste which I'm pretty excited about and some .33 cent first aid kits. Along with some other goody's I'm not quite sure about the price yet.
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