I've only been couponing for a short time but so far I love it to death. Of course things are different Alaska couponing versus the rest of the U.S. In Alaska we hardly get any inserts in our papers, thanks to a low population rate and a wide demographic company's just do not know what to do with us. That's why a Alaska couponers two best friends are IP's (Internet printables). And a friends or relative in the lower 48 who either owes you favor or just really loves you that much. I am not ashamed to say I have hit up a bunch of friends and family to send me coupons ( and in case your reading this please please please send me coupons..... oh and I love you all).
Of course there are sites were you can order coupons from the Sunday paper, or the whole insert if you like. They are kinda spendy though and I really do not understand the point of spending $30 on coupons. In my opinion this kinda defeats the purpose of couponing. By the way allot of the people on extreme couponing use these services either that or they buy like 50 papers, or both. Now a few cents on stamps for relatives to send you coupons seems like a more cost effective option.
The internet houses quite a few coupon sites but allot of them have the same coupons. Unless your super into couponing and feel like spending hours looking through sites (totally guilty on this one) there are seven sites where I get the majority of my coupons.
The site were I get most of my coupons is coupons.com. This site seems to have the best overall mix of coupons and you can enter you store cards to load electronic coupons, both Fred Meyer and Safeway cards. There is also shortcuts.com but pretty much all of their coupons are on coupons.com. Coupons.com and Shortcuts do both IP's and electronic coupons.
My second favorite coupon site is savingstar this is a electronic only coupon site and only a very few of their coupons are doubled on other sites.
The three inserts that you will see in the Sunday paper all have their own websites its about 50/50 on coupons that are doubled on other sites. And no they do not have their Sunday insert coupons online in case you just got super excited ;). P&G which I am currently getting a server error on, smartsource.com and redplum.com.
Both Fred Meyer and Safeway have electronic coupons you can load on your card. Some of the coupons are doubles from the above sites though. You create a online account and you must know your shoppers card number (its beneath the bar code) for all of you who lost their cards sadly your phone number will not work. Another nice thing about this is you do not have to fill out all that paperwork when you want to change you phone number, address, or name you can just update it online.
A great IP on coupons.com right now is a bunch of glade coupons. This is great for all you people out there who have fake trees and miss that real tree smell. Glade has special holiday scents out and one of them is Spruce it up! enjoy the coupons and that new tree smell. ^_^
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